General Fundraising Information

The fundraising obligation is $150 per swimmer for the Short Course season ("SC" - September-February) per swimmer and $100 for the Long Course season ("LC" - April-July).  Swimmers who participate in high school swimming and swimmers in the Development Group are responsible for 50% of that obligation ($75 in SC or $50 in LC).  The maximum obligation per family is $300 for the SC Season and $200 for LC.  Money raised keeps our dues lower, provides equipment, pool fees, and coaching.  If you raise more than your SC obligation, it will carryover and will be applied to your LC obligation. The following are opportunities available to meet this obligation.

See also: Membership Dues and Fees Policy

Swim-a-thon (Short Course Season Only)

Swim-a-thon is one of the primary fundraisers for our swim team.  Our swimmers ask for sponsorship pledges by either the lap or flat sum to raise money for our team’s needs, which include such things as equipment, pool fees, and coaching. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to the competitive sport of swimming and your help is much appreciated.  Swim-a-thon fundraising can be applied to both your Short Course and Long Course fundraising obligation.


Barracuda Sponsorship Details

Contact prospective businesses and explain the program with the supporting documentation. Have them fill out the Sponsorship Sign Up Sheet (last page of the Sponsorship Packet). Please include swimmer name on the bottom of the Sign Up Sheet to ensure credit for the sponsorship. Please email with any questions or if you would like a physical Sponsorship Packet. Sponsorships need to be secured by December 1st.  100% of any sponsorship(s) obtained will be applied to your fundraising obligation and will be used for both your short course and your long course fundraising obligations. 

Sponsorship Packet 2024-25

A BIG thank you to all of our 2024-2025 Sponsors!